Growing Up
Swirling eddies down the riverside tumble and curl while I pick up a rock
I throw it; watch it collide with the simmering surface of the dark world beneath
I’m taking a bath; commanding the bubbles and soap
It’s important you get clean, scrub the dirt, wash the sins, rinse away dependence and hope-
You won’t end up like me
I’m 16 full of fire, passion and longing, values keep me back, lust moves me forward
I want to rebel and hide and yell and cry and scream
I graduated but didn’t go to graduation, too busy working and caring about others
I can fill a lake with my tears, an ocean with my fears, and a universe with futile hopes and dreams
The stove is on and the roses are dead; I’m watching my life fall away as I knew it and wondering what all went so wrong. Back then. When things were simple and responsibilities scarce, I knew my place. I value now but miss then. Standing at the precipice of something great, but prepared to fall by the breath of belonging somewhere you aren’t meant to be.