A Gray Fighter's Friend
The first day of middle school, dread and fear.
This is what started my eighth grade year.
I knew no one, not one single friend
“This is how it stays, until the end.”
I sat in class, with people around me
Waiting until somebody found me
After months had passed, I would begin
To find my place; learn to fit in
My happiness was here, I thought for sure
I found friends I had been begging for.
Right then, I was the happiest kid alive
With friends, I could grow, survive, and thrive.
We teased other kids, and called them names
No way, we wouldn’t let them play our games.
But this all changed in one single day
A new life schedule was headed my way
“Son, we want you in all the advanced classes
You shouldn’t learn at the speed of molasses”
But I had worked so hard, waited so long
To have my friends torn from me felt so wrong
I wanted to scream, shout and cry
But instead, I held it inside and became shy
Harboring feelings of rage, anger and sadness
Hid inside, conceiving madness
A life of extreme lonliness
trapped inside a human fortress
A knife, I thought, could ease the pain
The sadness, this life, lost in the rain
I thought and tried, sat and cried
I was alive and alone, without pride
I didn’t want this whole new strife
I wanted my friends, my previous short lived life
Unfortunately for me, I had no choice
I had to sit without a voice
I was an outcast in this new group
A new kid left out of the loop
No friends at lunch, no way to talk
I could only nod, think, and walk
I questioned, “Is this life for me?
A dark and lonely destiny?”
I begged and begged for something brighter
A change, some color for this grey fighter
Months passed on like a fuzzy haze
While I dreamed of the good ‘ol days
And on one fulcrum day
A future friend walked my way
We laughed and talked, sighed and walked
I must admit that I was shocked
She was smart, caring, and friendly
She even cared for someone like me
We talked about near everything
No matter what, she was accepting
She told me of her recent struggle
Life for her was a nice big puzzle
I told her of my saddened life
How it felt like a carving knife
She had a few simple words for me
But somehow they were encouraging
“You can change your life, you see
You’re only as happy as you choose to be”
Even so, I took them deep to heart
And tried to find a brand new start
I looked around for the bright side
I had a friend, a family; my eyes opened wide
A change of life, emotions, and places
A wide variety of whole new faces
This brand new world, such a place to be
Why would I try to take it from me?
To this day I myself am glad
My life has changed; I’m no longer sad
Thank you friend, for teaching me
Happiness is an overwhelming sea
Thank you friend; you’re like no other
You’ve shown me a life in color