62 miles above sea level, I thought I have escaped the reality
62 miles above sea level, I am falling suddenly
I thought I have escaped your clenching grasp
The theoretical force that pulls me and my mask
With a propulsion device, I choose to defy you
Sending me sky high, up with a great view
62 miles above sea level, transcended me to something more
62 miles above sea level, I can still feel your molten core
For a brief moment, up here I see the bright lights
Then, you bring me to a descent and chose to end my flight
Is it intentional? Theoretical? or a Reality?
Cause after all the work and energy, I have slipped into gravity
Falling in a daze like motion, No lifting body to help resist
Even though I cant feel your presence, you truly do exist
Without other the forces, I descend at a constant rate
And all this time I kept wondering about my fate
As I descend lower, my heart beats faster
As I descend lower, you grow only stronger
Here I am nearing my grievous toll
Here I am still at a constant fall
I close my eyes and accept the harsh reality
You need lots of effort and energy to defy the gravity