Good in the Middle
Rebel against the system
Don’t conform
Down with the system
Is all that is heard
All that is seen along the walls in their grafitti
On the t shirts and
The protest signs floating on air down crowded streets
Then work hard
You’ll succeed
Conform or you’ll fail
Rank yourself against the world and we’ll see where you stand?
Echo in concrete buildings
And in the ears of small cubs
Just starting to learn what life is about
A war is going in in case you hadn’t noticed
two different Sides
both saying their right and the other wrong
A consistent game of cat and mouse
Where every other decade they switch from gold to silver and back again
Now I’m going to say something that may sound
Just a smidge hypocritical
I’m right
And in that I mean both sides are right
They are a yin and yang split and mangled
I wish to make them whole
Both so wrapped up in their
“Individuality” that they don’t realize that their speaking in unity
Both say come
But I say no
I’m good being in the middle
Happy not being tied down
Sitting on a ledge
But not falling off the edge
Good to be myself and not
Have to put on a suit
Or ratty t-shirt
Just to make it out alive
They say I am insane for thinking so
And yes that might be true
I am as mad as the martyrs before
Who were good in the middle too.