Gazed .
I was thinking of this thing when I sat aside the river, knees pulled up to my chest. It was you.
And I asked myself why, responding with nothing but a sweet kiss from the crisp air. I continued pondering on the subject. I then turned livid, asking the sky why did you leave when I needed you.
Then I thanked the heavens for bringing you back. I then started crying, remembering the fact that my heart hurt for months. That all went away when I thought of your kiss.
Lain back, my thoughts spewed onto the grass, bringing emotions up almost 2 years old. I hate remembering things that cause me to drift away from reality.
Of course I was dreaming--not. I sat back up, overthinking recent events. My chest started hurting terribly, my eyes wandered as they leaked pitiful, sorry tears, my legs trembled--oh curse this breakdown.
Never had I experienced a breakdown of this severity. It's not your fault, never it was.
I don't know how to stop reading the future or hoping for something of terror within good. I consider you good; negatively positive.
I consider myself mentally ill because no matter what is said, I can taste a hint of a lie and dwell upon that. The funny thing is my tongue has been cut out years ago, so how should I know?
Emotions lead you to think crazy things. I've always been emotional over you.
Love makes you see everything in a different perspective. I love you.
You say the same, and I taste nothing because I believe it. That's a first.
Don't change it. I'll leave it at that.