Don't move,
Don't think,
Don't dream.
Let all the thoughts escape you,
And fall into the dark abyss,
Clouded, silent,
Meaning nothing and everything to you.
Let all the sounds,
Those buzzing ones, that loud one,
That annoying one, that quiet one,
Let them all fade away.
Don't listen to anything.
Don't listen,
Because then you don't have to reply,
And give another fake answer.
Don't listen,
Because then you don't have to smile,
And say 'everything is perfect.'
When is it ever?
Don't listen.
Don't dream.
Don't think,
Don't feel,
Don't scream,
Don't laugh,
Don't smile.
There is nothing there.
Don't let your head,
Fill up with useless thoughts,
Because when does that ever,
Make you feel better?
Block everything out,
And leave nothing remaining.
Fall. Fall deep, deep down,
So no one can hear your pitiful,
Leave the world that you once thought,
Was perfect,
And let everything fade into the darkness.
Sacrifice yourself to make it better,
This wound, it's pain,
And let it all go.
It's simple,
You know.
It requires,
Hollow your heart,
And let all the others,
Fall silent to.
Don't move.
Not even an inch.
Don't think.
Not even a thought.
Don't dream.
Not even in sleep.
We all realize,
That there is nothing.
Nothing to live for,
Nothing to die for.
And that,
As destructive as it is,
Is called nothing more,