It is a scary thing to admit to yourself
How you were sexually abused.
Especially by one that you trusted.
How he left me, in flames I combusted.
Combusted into a flame of disgust and anger
Only to be directed to myself. If only I didn’t
Get into the car. If only I had pushed harder.
Maybe it was a misunderstanding of ardor.
Only it wasn’t. Only I knew the real story
And in these 12 months I have learned.
I have learned to deal and to rejoice.
I learned how to finally use my voice.
For it was a long way of coming.
And even harder to stop the blame.
I have put so much poison in my body
And no one could try to stop me.
I craved new sensations to “help”
These poisons became my lifestyle.
Poisons to distract me from the pain.
But I was just messed up in the brain.
I needed help. Real help not a high.
Or a drag. Nor a hangover.
My last high was one I’ll remember.
That memory will last with me forever.
I was sitting outside and life was perfect.
My whole life flashed before my eyes.
I seen myself in the future. Better.
I saw myself happier than ever.
It was beautiful. The most beautiful thing.
I saw myself. I seen health. I wanted it.
It. That is what I will work toward.
I fell in love and it was all I adored.
That was the last time I poisoned myself.
It was the best day in my entire life.
I realized that I wanted to be happy.
I deserved it and no one could stop me.
October 12, 2016. The day of my rebirth.
The day I accepted my abuse story.
The day I loved myself and all I could be.
That was the day I was set free.