That's a word i would use to describe you and me;
That's a word i would use to describe everybody;
I woke up like 'disss;
Cool, Confident and Beautiful;
On some days i may not be made up or have perfect cuticles, but I can accept it how 'bout you?;
Not being conceited, cocky none of the above,
All my positives and negatives are the qualities that being flawless are made of;
Being flawless is not an outer beauty tha can be bought;
I got to be flawless because i know that there was a battle going on in my world and i fought;
I fought to keep my smile, my life and my inner beauty;
I AM FLAWLESS and i do not use that term loosely;
I mean this, even though i acheived it i still dream this cant believe this im flawless! ;