Femme Libre
I am a woman.
That means something different to everyone.
Some see women as mothers, some as a punching bag.
But that is not accurate.
I am a woman.
That means I get a lower pay.
Some see me as an object, something to be married off,
But that is not accurate.
I am a woman.
That means I will never amount.
Some see my gender as my Achilles’ heel, a fatal flaw in some countries,
But that is not accurate.
I am a woman.
That means nothing different than being a man.
Some see me for who I am.
But the whole world needs to see this.
I am a dreamer.
I wish for a day when “… like a girl” is no longer an insult,
And my sisters will not be attacked for their gender.
I am a believer.
I believe we can come together.
The whole world can respect each other and believe that women can also make great leaders.
After all, women are people too.
I am ready.
Ready to be equal.
Ready to be powerful.
Ready to eliminate the culture that states,
“It’s a man’s world.” and
“Boys will be boys.”
I am a woman.