Feels Pretty Much Like
Friday brings what friday brings
old farts
in an outdoor wing
fighting UFO's with noise
dream of dreams
the single ploy
Check a check mark off a list of things I did not want to miss
and feels like I have just been kissed by reminisscent inquiries of the non-caring previously indifferent finding self-evident libertiless lover
Me not me
And now the moon eclipsed by it's anchor and the sun sees something unseen in much too long
so blood drips keen
flows from the sky in dirt
makes new
makes change
and the blood is that of the city of Salem
In words exchanged through disarray of thoughts and a crucifiction of sanity
so the happy new life for some others begins once more after ending so soon
and left is the deceptive clam
with a rotting pearl in its mouth..
two to be precise.
taken willfully with water
And now the five cups of coffee course through
physically the same
the heart beats same
the muscles do not twitch or hyperact
but the mind
is like an overload of over and over and over and over
five enormous cups of coffee are the beast which fuels
the nonstop nonstop nonstop go gogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogoooooooooooooooooooooooooo