The Fear of the Fall
Some people will tell you falling in love is comparable to heaven, They will tell you that falling in love is hearing the angels sing when they enter the room.
Some people will tell you there is no such thin gas love. They will tell you that every rose petal picked, and every Valentine and every love song is wrong. That love cannot exist.
But what all people fail to tell you is how unexpected, and random it is.
They fail to mention that two beings, may be on completely different levels, and the other may have to climb to reach.
They never tell you the butterflies in your stomach as when you talk or when you get a text from them.
They never tell you how fast your heart will pump on your first date, racing, and beating out of your chest.
They never tell you how nervous you get when you feel their kiss for the first time.
They never tell you how the taste of their kiss lingers for days on end. They never tell you how you lick your lips just to get a hint of the sweet memory just to hold you till next time.
They never tell you how happy you are when you starting dating, or how loved you felt holding their hand.
They never tell you how terrified you are to meet their family.
They never tell you how within their eyes you can see the beauty woven into the flaws.
They never say how their scent would become a comfort.
They never tell how holding them feels as if you are holding treasure you could never have.
They never say how you question how you got them, even though you feel like you a less then what they deserve.
Then never speak of how crying in front of them is a bond that cannot be replaced.
They never say how truly scary it is to fall.
They never say how falling for someone can be so terrifying.
The never say how much fear you have when falling in love. The fear of trusting someone that much. The fear of holding something so precious yet so fragile.
They never speak of the fear of falling in love, but they remind you of how agonizing it is to hit the ground.