Hey! I'm your fear.
Yeah I've always been here.
You may not have noticed. But trust me I'm here
I'm here through that first and last day of school
Your first and last interview
Though it's sad to say, I'm there on your first and last day.
I'm all around you.
Though I may be different for others, I'm still there
The most bravest people still have fear.
Sorry to break it to ya.
To some I surround them like a bubble
Or I'm a dark hallway that they can see the light at the end of but can never seem to reach, even if they run as fast as they can.
I could be an isolated room
Or a dream that keeps coming back.
I could be the thought of losing someone you love
Or just simply being alone.
Though you might want to get rid of me, you can't
I'm stuck here with you, forever.
I know it sucks, but hey! Maybe I could be your best friend
I'll tell you when somethings wrong but I can’t stop you from doing something
Like going on a rollercoaster
I'll tell you the different scenarios of a mishap. But you'll still go on it anyway.
To some, I live in the back of their heads and when I pop up, they ignore me.
To others, I stop them from doing everything because I'm too strong.
Some are too scared to talk for the fear that I'll slip out and mess them up
Or some just want to be known but feel like if they do they'll be eaten up.
They'll be eaten up by the people they call friends and the fear that lies in their heads
they'll fear that they won't be known since the only one to ever take the chance to really know them is themselves
Sometimes im peoples only fear because the only thing to fear, is fear itself
But know, I'm always gonna be here and you can talk to me if you need help.
I'll help you, but maybe in a bad way. Because all I can tell you is to be afraid.
If you ask “Why is it like that?” ill answer and then make you fear it
Like,”Why is it dark”.
“Well because there's no light, you shouldn't like it”.
“O-Oh alright”.
So you cry in the dark and can't sleep, or need a sound like soft music or a fan in the back to make you aware that you're still alive.
Or some face the fear and force themselves to sleep. Or they don't.
I can drive them crazy. Making them feel bad when they're too afraid to do something or eat something, because they think it could hurt them.
Or I make them freak out and cry by a simple word.
Some can't even handle the word needle, because they know how bad needles hurt and how weird they feel.
Some can't look at blood because they might pass out or throw up.
Some people might be afraid of certain animals. Like horses, dogs, or cats.
But that's all thanks to me!
I make you fear these things because that's my job.
I make you not want to sleep at night because I have to.
Not because I want to.
My name is Fear and I'm inside of everyone.
It's nice to meet you.
I'll be your best or worst friend up till the day you die.
Thank you for letting me talk to you because you need to know that being afraid is normal and I'm here for a reason.
Im here to stop you from doing stupid things or to make you more aware.