Tattered veterans yet wave “Work 4 Food” signs.
Temporary flagpoles unto themselves.
Whilst banners to our double-standards
Proudly displayed on speeding limousines
That always cross the line.
Mugshots framed as the picture of
American irony.
The electric-collar crime. The isolation.
The fence
Cages the dog from freedom through fear.
The wall
Replaces dignity, we hide our shame
In blame on everything but selfishness.
Nay, she has never been “great,” nor shall she ever be.
Yet those monuments to our fallen inspire me
To defend her to my last;
I am more parts patriotic than cynic.
She is mine as my family is mine.
So I will scold her as I would my daughter,
Accept her as I would my sister,
Respect her as I would my mother.