24 hours in the day, the speed of it is crazy.
12 o' clock hits today's a New Day, It was brazy.
But today was a good day, Aging expeditiously.
It's like your age is attributes like in 2k, years will go by till I start wearing a toupe.
Every number of age comes with more accommodations and consequences.
Every age is a rinse of glow and opportunity.
The more I grow, the more life becomes immune to me.
Immune to problems people vent about.
problems that must be faced
like enemies
As humans, we need to learn to love our enemies
In order to live to pass the hate
In order to accept my fate
To master keeping a normal heart rate, while hearing the good and bad
I am changing every day by the speed of lightning
Usual treating life like a bar, "put it on my tab"
Words of a procrastinator, "when you going pay the tab"
Life keeps going, The mind needs to match or surpass my age.
Cause age moves expeditiously.