The End Of My World
My world came crashing down
It came blazing down at me because of a gun
Because of the weak person behind the gun
The person who didn’t have enough courage to fix the problems
The monster who took my heart away from me
Killing someone didn’t make your demons go away
You are the Demon
You are your own worst enemy
You can now sit in jail and think about the mans life you took
The man who had a family
The man who had a future
The man who no longer can fight back
You are a coward
You are not powerful
The gun is what held all the power
The power that you took advantage of
Your children will learn their father is a monster
You didn’t protect them
You Broke them
You are now their biggest fear and Their Mother’s biggest Regret
Now I deal with the pain of loss
I deal with unconditional Heartbreak Because of you
But You will be made an example of
An example of someone that No one wants to be