Emotions Exsposed
If emotions were exposed what would we be?
How long could we ignore our fellow man's depravity?
At a dimly lit cafe late in the night
You notice the abandoned dreams in the bus boys pocket
and the waitress passes to your right
with misery pinned in her hair, becase tonight she cannot hide it.
On this night the problems we ignore in our repose
have escaped into the external world.
Tonight, all emotions are exsposed.
If we could see the dreariness that weighed upon the poverty stricken
how many of us would continue to ignore them?
Perhaps we would be moved to action
by the neglected, and the despair that cloaks them.
But not all would be woe
The love of a new bride would renew our affections
the devotion of a mother would make hearts glow
and once we saw the dark, in these things we'd renew our appreciation
I would change the world we live in for a day
so that all could see none of us are truly alone
in our worst defeats, or in all the heart break
I would change the world we live in for a day
so that we could never ignore the downtrodden again
when we see their hearts beats like ours in every way