It started in a field by a watermelon patch,
Then there were wolves who started to snap,
So I started running through the land,
I sunk straight through like it was quick sand,
Landing on a huge square floating around,
Of many colors but darkness around,
Shaking rapidly I slipped right off,
Landing in ginormous water trough,
Sunk right under and fell through a whole,
Landind in whiteness surrounding whiter than snow,
Still, quiet, nothing in sight,
Then all of a sudden on top of a hill,
Overlooking a Valcona that was surprisingly still,
A mountain made of pink and tiny blue pills,
Then behind me I looked on top of the hill,
There was a cliff to nothing but a giant hole,
I fell, terrified, then I saw a pole,
I grabbed for my life, I was scared of the unseen,
Then I woke up and realized it was all just a dream.