Delightful Darkness
Thoughts pluck at my skin like guitar strings
I can’t even feel it
Nothing hurts me anymore
Inside is where I scream
Sometimes I can almost hear the sound
Why am I frozen in time?
Hell on Earth
And hell in me
Tomorrow is a new day, but is it really?
I just can’t seem to stop
Nothing can fill me because I am
Empty and caved in,
Where my heart used to be
Delightful Darkness, you’re the only thing that can fill me
Hold me in your arms and
Tell me you’re here
Whisper in my ear
Spin your lies like thread
So that they will sew me back together or else I
Will keep splitting at the seams
Pull the thread tight
I don’t ever want to fall apart like this again
Rub your sandpaper hands on my back
Scrape off the skin that continues
To suffocate me
Cleanse me with cool waves
Of undulating numb
I don’t mean to ask so much but
Delightful Darkness, you’re the one that heals me