dear Orlando
curling fingers grasp cold hands
tears swim in eyes
forming oceans of sorrow in some
furious thunderstorms in others
yellow paint marked her summer dress
dark blue stars dotted his button-up
pink kissed her lips as she kissed her girlfriend's
orange glowed in his eyes as he wasn't judged
but all they ever saw was red
pools of scarlet scarring the club floor
color draining from faces
and hope from hearts
a safe space turned destructive
and forty-nine
forty-nine beautiful
innocent people died
it was a hate crime
gay, lesbian, trans
it was hate forming capsules that
sank into flesh
ragged claws digging into skin
waving veins like ribbons
crushing bones into dust
it was hate
hate against those who dared to love
to live
to exist
twisted words foamed from the attacker's mouth
like a rabid dog
tunnel vision for those who couldn't help themselves
the attacker howled in fury
unforgiving of brown skin
scorning intertwined hands
this was no accident
this was pure loathing
yet despite the horrors
that will haunt some forever
people stand strong
slowly bringing back bright hues
washing out the grey
turning to the stars
with renewed hope in hearts
they exist
we exist
I exist
and we deserve to live.