for people to tell you 're wrong doesn't mean you are
for people to put you up against a wall don't mean you're weak
people hurt people tell you youre stupid you will never be something in life
they hurt we are already damaged people dont wanna see you succeed in life
you tell yourself i'll never amount to anything i will never be worth it when in
reality we only hurt ourselves we cause ourselves more pain than a mean girl than a bully
We consider ourselves weak when we are strong. I was hurt i always told myself
you're stupid you will never be someone i caused myself pain i hurt myself
more than anyone could possibly hurt me. I saw darkness there was no light
a dark room my pain my demon's haunt my every move my every thought
darkness was always there there's no rainbows and pink lifes hard for some
people for others it's peachy pink . Because they have never struggled or suffer
they don't know the pain the pain they will say
"I understand i know what you are going thru " they dont they might have and idea
but nothing can compare to how you feel inside you eat your emotions because
nobody really understands.