A longing within the deepest of skin
Flows like a heedless stream
For there we were, distant but sure
That all was like a waking dream
I gazed in eyes that analyzed
Processing what I contained
I left a gift within a rift
You flourished in what remained
How could it be that inside of me
A mystery is left to explore
‘Twas all unknown what I was shown
Yet could swear I have known before
Spiraling gently through passion you lent me
I am consumed by a fire
Heart in hand, here I stand
Frozen in the wake of desire
Casting a web in midnight ebb
Ensnared in a huntress’s trap
To be devoured, to be empowered
As the strings which hold me snap
Beyond the cells where beauty dwells
An intimate moment lingers
Suspended in air by thoughts we share
It settles upon my fingers
A kindling spark from a luminous park
I send my love to the moon
So that all may see my reverie
In the smile where I swoon
I rubbed my eyes in welcome surprise
And gave myself to the night
Floating through clouds, swimming through crowds
I sprouted wings in flight
Touched am I by immortal sky
Rouge embers in the dark
I shall enhance a minute’s chance
A chimerical moment in a park
Softly descending a moment’s ending
I release myself to the infinite
Always connected, by love directed
Always existing within it