Carry On
The road I travel is narrow and made of stone, never flat, always an uphill curve
On either side is the Forest of Temptations
As I labor up the mountains the Forest tempts me with rest and play
Oh, the sweet trees, and the singing stream, just what I want
Turn my head, look away, eyes on the prize: the top of the mountain
And I have to be good climber
For over my shoulder lay dozens of watching eyes, criticizing my every slip and misstep.
Behind me a mountain chain of my past success, and a deep valley of my failures
I see the mountains and feel proud, but the valley reminds me to keep moving, life doesn't stop
No! I must climb the next mountain!
There is always one more
If I go too fast I will slip, but too slow I will fall behind, I must find my perfect rhythm
Mine is of late nights and early mornings, no rest for the weary
There have been days when I have felt discouraged and too tired to take another step
No denying I have desired to leave this weary way of life
But the struggle to the top is sweeter than the fall to the bottom
So I carry on