The Cage that Separated Us
The distance between us
was this thin metal wall
as the world passes by
and no emotion would fall
into the distance where
echoes were heard
but not a sound from people
the only the sound from the herd.
then the morning came
where not a sound was the same
but the rattle of the cage
seemed familiar in a way
the Dark Haired feline entered
sturdier than the rest
this dark haired feline
knew she was the best.
Much like my own, dark and strong
a strength that was created from
experience and love.
Stripped of my family
stripped from the rest
how I knew I knew her
was a mystery, at best.
Heartbeats filled the room
not a sound at rest
heartbeats filled our minds and chests.
Not a sound was missed,
not a skip, nor rest.
Not a sound was lost in the heard,
but nevertheless...
leaned against this wall
the warmed wall with our love
and comfort
the wall which holds
a million nights of cold and dark slumbers,
my mind would never stop running
because as each day would come
although I cannot fully see her
our minds were filled with one another's love.
paw to paw
we touched the wall
but little did we know
we loved each other after all...
my paw was small,
at least smaller than hers,
but our hearts matched in size
and our purrs synchronized every word.
She knew one day, we were destined to meet again
she knew because mother's instinct knows best.
But if she knew
how wrong she must've been
that day would come,
where I wouldn't have been
trapped in the cage and into a home
with a new family
freed, but alone.
but my mind cannot sleep knowing that
the three seconds of love were nothing compared to that
of a mother who sacrificed her life for mine
and the idea of being stripped away
from her love as she lived for mine,
feeding me
cleaning me
protecting me
she'd do
out of pure love and only that
surely that wouldn't do.
But she'd continue to act upon it
not a day would be missed where I wasn't
fully fed, clothed, and kissed.
And now here I am
Protected and Loved
how I would only feel that sort of love
from a maternal figure, left behind in the "pound"
without a way to come out, but anyhow
although I miss her sweet scent and love
maybe one day we will meet above.