Burning Bridges
W h o w o u l d h a v e t h o u g h t t h i s p a s t
How long one man's past would last
It was on his mind
On his mind he would clearly find his thoughts running the wrong way down the line
But he burned the bridges because his intuition said to ignite sins
To watch them burn away to no return
The painful beauty of a clear conscious he would someday learn
The fire of the rising sun that set the pace for a new day had blazed away the pain as he gave a gaze across the open plains that were his opportunities in disarray
Like wild game he set his sights on the biggest one with his loaded gun but the distance the bullet had to travel had become more elaborate as the landscape that was life began to unravel…
It's hard to say from where he stands...
Where exactly in the distance his bullet lands
Something he realized one night
Is there's only one shot at life
Which path is right
Which path is wrong
These thoughts made his nights seem so long
He hung his head
His patience didn’t pay
He took too long to take a shot
His opportunity had fled
It got away
He tried to chase it but this opportunity wasn't so patient
He wouldn't give up though
He wouldn't face it
He kept on searching
He couldn't embrace it
He suddenly lost the trail
He doubled back
Trying to retrace it
But the dust had set in
A storm was brewing
The sun was setting
The darkness was soon to set in
He tried to get through the night
It would be 3 years until he would see sunlight
Somewhere down that line
He had lost sight
Lost his might
All will to fight the darkness
To live his life
Just as he fell to the ground…
He raised his head and gave one final gaze across the darkened plains…
In the distance were two white eyes staring back so bright
His opportunity approached as the man made his way to his knees
It was a fearsome lion but it invoked no fright
It helped raise him to his feet
It gave him hope
The sun began rising
It rose to its peak
The lion with it’s golden mane guided him through the plains
Through the desert
Over each sandy slope
Through the mountains
Over each of the ragged stones
Through the swamps
Through the thickest of groves
Passed the marshes
Through the thickest of fogs
It led him through the unknown
It led him the whole way
It had led him home
He realized that lion once his opportunities
Was now his dreams
He would never again be alone
It led him through life
Who would have known
Now this man is in his older age
Now in this man's present days...
He gives a gaze in the mirror
He sees a lion with a golden mane
He smiled as it smiled back but something changed
He finally asked who the lion was…
I t s a i d t h e m a n's n a m e
In the end it seems
That man from such a darkened past
Is now living his dreams
L i v i n g h i s d r e a m s a t l a s t