I can feel the pain of the memories burning at my chest
The tears I’ve cried a million times
I felt it burning
Burning passion
Burning shame
Burning love
And hate
The shame I felt for liking you was indescribable
The pain I burdened for you
Is crushing me
The secrets we shared
Things we’ve never told anyone else
With a burning passion
Sweet words of love
Exchanged in whispers
The judgeless nights
Those nights we shared on the phone
Where we were each other’s escape
Was the love I felt from you real?
Is that burning in my chest love or hate?
I can’t tell the difference anymore
I’ve hated more than I have loved
I can’t help but wonder if
You felt the way I did
Can this mean that I’m delusional…
My life decisions
a figment of an over active imagination?
I have chosen an easier path without love and without happiness
A physical tie
To an imbalanced emotional state
I used you as an anchor
For a body that wanted to escape
From reality.