I am often tested
And it requires some bravery
But, the definition of bravery is courageous behavior
And it makes me wonder
Put in truly testing situations
How brave could I be
I am in 1797
I live on a cotton plantation
My father owns many slaves
It is all so normal
But in my heart do I see the wrong
Would I be brave enough to do something
I am in Afgahnistan
I see thousands of women oppressed
I have unalienable rights
But that idea is alien to these people
Could I inspire these girls for their betterment
Am I brave enough to stand up for them
I am in the halls of my school
It is a new day and I have a new perspective
I may not be able to change the world
But I can step in on the kid who is bullied about his religion
Or silence the gossips who spread slander
Because bravery would be proud of my small attempts
I am looking in to my future
And I hope I see someone worth striving towards
The definition of bravery is courageous behavior
And courage is doing something that frightens you
So I choose to do more somethings