To the boy who loves her next
To the boy who loves her next,
Please know that she’s really fragile.
She’s far too sensitive,
but that gives you a reason to hold her
and tell her everything is gonna be okay
She doubts herself way too much
Sometimes, not all the time,
she’ll feel pretty
or she’ll feel good about how she looks that day
so don’t call her conceited
because most of the time
she fighting with herself in the mirror
She’ll worry that you don’t love her anymore because
she has a war in her mind
So, if she asks you multiple times
if you still love her,
don’t get mad
hold her
Just hold her and she’ll know
She’ll get sad randomly
It’s not random
she knows exactly why she’s upset
she’ll make you chase her because
she wants to feel like you want to know why she’s hurting
She’ll read a book and innocently sit there
just so you’ll stand there
and notice how beautiful she is
She’ll put on songs and dance her little heart out
and trust me,
all you will be able to do
is look at the way her smile lights up the room
She is the biggest tease you will ever know
she’ll rub her hand down your body
she’ll kiss your neck
and then when your body is all drugged up from her touch
she’ll walk away as if it never affected her
and that’s when you grab her
and kiss her with the most loving lips
She’ll get jealous of the girls that talk to you
or even walk beside you
she’ll act like she's pissed off
but she only does it to make a scene
Just come up to and kiss her forehead
and she’ll forgive you in an instant
She’ll baby talk so much,
she’ll do it without even noticing
and its the most cutest thing in the world
She’ll grab you and pull you into the sunlight
just so you can see the way her blue eyes shine
She’ll leave a trail of clothes
when she's getting undressed
so you follow her into the room
and don’t you yell at her for making a mess
Sunday mornings are her favorite
so hold her tight
and watch her open her eyes
as the sunlight glares down on her beautiful brown hair
She’s scared to open up herself because
I’m not the one who never truly noticed her beauty until right now
and now
you’re touching her body
the body that she only wanted me to touch