Boy to Man
There, a bloody knife in his hand
There, he went from boy to man
Crying, tears from the eyes in his head
Traumatized from the blood he had shed
How his youth had gone so quickly
How the man he had stabbed was now dead
His emotions made him feel sickly
And he was screaming inside of his head
His innocence was now over
For he killed this man, not drunk, nor hung-over
For he killed this man whilst sober
Young, 17, he had his life planned before him
Now all he saw was prison doors before him
He looked upon the blood on the ground
Everything had stopped, no movement nor sound
Thoughts going wild in his mind
Running, strafing, zipping, zooming, all throughout his brain
All these thoughts and images, had made him go insane
Soon the police came, his hand in their hand
If anything had been clear to him, he had went from boy to man