The Black (part one)
The Black (pt. 1)
I am not sure what I was expecting
We have this-
This potential
And those who chip away at it
With their gold encrusted pick axes
-while mine leans enviously against the cave wall,
The world lays before me
At an arms-length
Awaiting me to take a step;
I leapt
And landed on a fruity walkway
Traced in bright red seeds
And sandalwood trees
My cold feet warmed under a promising sun.
I was ready
I was rare
Grease in my hair from mornings without showers
No showers, only a yellow sky
And a puddle of thick black ooze consuming
The fruit on the ground.
I wonder, had I fell from a tree
Would the black eat me too?
Are the fruits doomed
From the moment they grow?
The ooze has no favorites
The seeds have no future
The fruit is always sacrificed
To the black.