Believe in Me
All day long, I think about your class,
I think about quitting
I wonder how will I continue
When you don't believe in me?
All day long, I dread having your class
I know I'm smart,
And I know I'm strong
But still you don't believe in me
All period long, I constantly work hard
I try to prove myself day in and day out
School is more than just a grade
It's about you believing in me
All period long, I wonder
What do I have to do?
Do I have to work harder?
What will it take for you to believe in me?
All year long, I count down the days
The days until I get out of here
The days until you believe
The days until you realize why I need you to believe in me
All year long, I ponder
Why me?
Why is it that you do not believe in me?
All my life, I fight
I fight with myself
Why does no one believe I'm destined for greatness?
Will you ever believe in me?
Now the tables have turned,
And although I've succeeded,
I still question it.
Why did you not believe in me?
I still need you to believe in me.