Becoming the Third Parent
Times have changed
First, it was getting only myself ready
For the long days at school
Brushing my teeth and getting
My breakfast
Waiting for my dad
To take me to school
Times have changed
First, it was only making sure that
My homework was done
So I could go outside and play
With the friends I had grown up with
Times have changed
First, it was doing simple chores
To help out my family
And to get along with my brothers
Times have changed
Now it is getting my brothers
Ready for their school day
Making them breakfast
and driving them to school
When I have barely enough time
To prepare myself
Now it is making sure I have a
3.9 GPA
And money in order to go out
With the friends I made
After my old ones died or
Became addicted to drugs
Now it is having a job to support
My family, not just help them
Pay for the bills, the gas,
And everything I need without the
Help of my parents
To make sure that my brothers never
Have to support themselves
The way I do
Teach and take care of my brothers
Drive them and give them money
When they need it
Times have changed indeed
The third parent is what I have become
Now that my childhood has left me
For the responsibilities
That I had to take up
What will they do when I have gone
And they have to once again be parents
I wonder?