Beauty Defined
Beauty is not a possesion
Beauty is much more than a lesson
It can not be taught
There are no fundametals,basics,duplications
Beauty has many originals, it is spiritual
Beauty is the feeling inside that makes your confidence rise
When you know that you're something no one can describe
You know exactly who God made you to be
Beauty is the attitude
When you're confident, but can never be rude
When being kind is your spiritual food, and you'll never run out.
Beauty is not the price tag
It is not the store brand on the shopping bag
It's not a competition of who's the best in the fashion show
It's about being blessed and letting your talents grow
Beauty is not in a magazine
Where they edit photos and try to make them clean
Asking yourself is this what beauty really means
Changing reality to try to boost your self esteem
Think of it as a canvas
And the original artitst is God
And we paint on many colors
Trying to cover up our flaws
But beauty is imperfections
That no one else contains
So when people look at you strange
Just tell them your name............BEAUTY.