A Beautiful Smile
You don't have to be a president, CEO or master leader
To change the world. To change the world, you only need
a small intention,
a good heart,
and a fierce passion of contribution.
Changing the world is changing my life.
I want to change the world one smile at a time.
The eyes might be the window to the soul, but
the smile is contagious alright.
My job won't be to restore, implant or to switch out for "new sets" like the world is inclined to.
My job is to prevent, to educate you
About keeping the strongest elements of your body, something that lasts long after you're gone.
What lives on
are your pearly whites.
To help keep them free from decay, disease and any other fight.
My job as a hygienist doesn't stop at the clinic.
My dream isn't finished
Until I treat the suffering and pain
From those who can't afford, who can't sustain
Their beautiful smile.
Loose teeth, no teeth, black teeth, yellow teeth
It doesn't matter what lies beneath.
My dream is to help you.
So you can have that beautiful smile too.