#To Be Heard
Why does this pressure just make me freeze.
Why do I constantky watch myself in the mirrior instead of stick my head out of it's cage.
All I want is to live my life outside these bars.
I can see it and it is freeing but I just can't commit.
I have all eyes on me and I freak.
I can''t handle the pressure.
I just want to crawl in a hole.
Judgements, suppositions.
Too much it makes me cringe.
But the truth is that is not me at all.
I have to get past that, jump forward.
Becasue the truth is I am not manifesting anything at all.
Except what I don't want.
Why do I not care that I look stupid. I don't mind to look stupid, instead I lack courage and would rather be stupid.
This makes no sense.
Where are the bars.
I can't see them becasue I have succumbed to fear.
I guess the note or the message would be to just jump.
And all the sensations I feel could just be the light hitting my face.
All the good things that I want.
There is no trampoline in the air to save me.
Maybe people can listen to all of the good ideas that I have and I can enjoy this love we call life.
Maybe for today I can just be,
with you,
In the space we breathe.
Which really isn't space at all.
Just a place to feel and be real.
Although it is nothing that I know and only what I feel.
But when I go to school and sit and listen, this is what I wish we were talking about.
But instead I find it in the school of everywhere else,
That thing called life.
What if it all could be beautiful.
Fear is my friend right?
What if I just.....#what???