Be Free
We all wish that we were a feather
Once stuck on a bird, but now we are free
We wish that we could just let go
We all want to be able to just fly
If you let go, you will detach from the bird
The bird that we all became to be
We all wish we knew what direction to go
The compass points north but our head
Goes in every other direction
We never know which direction to go
We are lost and confused
We look to our families and friends
But they are just as lost as we are
The compass and feather are here to help
Help us find out path
The path that will straighten our arrow
We have to find ourselves before finding our real path
Let us become the feather that knows the right direction
Our arrow is not straight, our path is not defined
We have to find this on our own
Become the person no one knew you could be
Let go, be free
Find yourself and find your path
Set out for a path that will make you happy
Straighten your arrow
Smile and know that your compass knows the right path
We all know what we want
But we do not know how to reach it
Strive for success
Strive for beauty
Strive to set yourself free
This is your life, your path
No one can tell you how to live you life
This is your path no one else's
If you want to be happy
If you want to be free
If you want to find your direction
Find your path
Find what makes you who you are
Do not follow anyone else's path
Set your own goals
We are beautiful
We are all free
We just have to find our feather
We have to find our compass
We have to straighten our own arrow
Then you will be free
Then you will find yourself
Be yourself
Be beautiful