Autumn Equinox
The sun kisses the earth to bed.
Fireflies dance to a silent song
and the wind, their swift lover,
caresses the earth.
An earthly possession
of expired, sun burnt leaves
persuades Lazarus to live once again.
Feet skim the crunching surface
as arms and ear drums balance the center
of existence. The sound of the skin taut barrel swirls into a resounding hymn.
Sweet satin jewels are bared and picked,
ready to be consumed by thirsting
throats. A delicate five pointed
star guides the weary traveler.
The Goddess, with her mysterious
smirk, dances in the reflection
of the pearly moonlight. Rushing
winds kiss her milky, cracked
feet. The old Sun God smoothly flows
over with his dark impressions,
returning to the soft embrace
of the weathering Goddess. Night
and day waltzing in a circle,
staring at an aged mirror.
The melancholy pattern
disturbs the dust of the past year,
reaping the dud seeds, whisking
them away with its merry tune.
The song sorrowfully ends
with a deep and ancient bow.
The Sun God turns away, taking
in one last longing look of her
wiry, cascading hair. The Goddess
silently sighs, a sleeping sorrow
glinting in her star-lit eyes,
yet does not move. An ivory
stone still within a heavy storm.
The dream withers and decays,
yet it is fondly remembered.
A blank, hardened stare takes its place.
An old crone cries.