Are We Healthy?
You are the fingers on my back
of kisses on the nape of my neck
you smile when I talk
or make the noises of an animal
You are scared to fight with me
and I am scared not to fight.
What if I am beaten down by you?
What if I live for you?
We want to live together
to have days and nights with feet tangled
to shower and watch life go by together
of hands on backs and lips on necks
I don't know how to handle my emotions
My brain made up of medications and thoughts
half-baked ideas of new beginnings
that can and won't ever unfold
Nevertheless, you encourage me anyways
Maybe one day they will come true
and you won't need to run after me
after I leave because I am angry
I worry that I don't love you enough
that our relationship isn't healthy
that this is the drug to end all drugs
and that is why it is so deadly
I yell and you cry and then I cry
and then I am confused because you're never mad
You never yell or be angry with me
frustrated, yes, but never angry even when I am
Sometimes I want you to yell
to be angry that way I can be back
that way I can express how I feel
but you never do and because of that I am grateful
are we healthy? I don't know
All I know is that I love you
and the good outweighs the bad
and that is what counts
That my happiness has been linked to yours
that I can tell you things I've never told anyone
that there are no half-baked dreams with you
that there are only future dates and time
that even on suburban streets at night
and the concrete pounding in our veins
and loud angry whispers break the air
that your hands belong here, that I belong here.