And the Masks Come Off
And the Mask comes Off
They walk past each other carelessly striding with false intentions
The warmth of the sun is missed, the peaceful sky
There’s a bird and then there’s not
Every second melts away—no way to get it back
No way to get it back
The sandal of a girl suffocates the forget-me-nots but they stand tall—resilient
But They don’t notice
I do though
I notice everything
Soft smiles and sly glances at most are exchanged
They avoid eyes and whisper to themselves
For if they hold a gaze for too long it will fall
I stare too long and this time you stare back
I’m caught off guard with the recognition
I wonder if it is that easy?
To show you who I am
I’ve walked a thin line—believe me I have
I assume you have too deeming us not so different, you and I
I feel the weight of the limitations and the judgments for my sex
I wonder if you’ll ever be able to understand that
And yet even if so there’s still my culture and my past
That regardless of our similarities would make me far different from you
But I can feel the humanity that pulsates beneath both our veils
I’ve known love it was my friend, but it was not real
I’ve known hate—that, that was real
I speak the language of the shadows and you say you understand
I’ve eaten my own heart over and over again just to get used to its pain
Now I like it and it scares me
I see myself but I can’t bear to look
Who knows if I’ll be able to handle it
You say you can
But you can’t, you see
There’s a war in my mind and there’s one in yours too
The difference is I’m losing
I’d like to see you try though
But will it be different?
I’m not so sure—reason enough though, you go first
So ill take off my mask
Tell me what you see
And then the Masks come off
Behind closed doors
Deep in the shadows
Late late into the night
The masks come off
We see what we want and only that
But what, my love, if the mask comes off?