After Happily Ever After
Classic fairy tales
Are always about the details
That go on before the end
They start off with a girl
Looking for the guy.
Does it always have to be
About the story before the end?
I believe in happily ever after,
But what happened to the after?
Stories never talk about the fights
The long nights,
Or even the highlights.
It’s always about
Finding Mr.Right, not
About the life with him.
I care for the after when
The story book is closed.
I want to know about the stolen kisses,
The repeated Mrs.
Even the jokes that are misses.
I want to know that Prince Charming
Wasn't just a good kisser.
I want to hear about how much
The prince missed me
Even if I was just out getting
The mail.
Without fail, he’d give me chocolate
Just because it was my favorite.
Sure, riding off into the sunset is a plus,
But if that's a bust, what do I have left?
After is all I care about.
I have a prince that cares about me,
Faults in all. A guy who cares
About how I like my tea,
My favorite show,
And how I love cookie dough.
After is the most important.
That's where the memories are made,
And I don't want that to ever fade.