About to Break
Pay no attention to the girl behind the curtain.
She's got nothing to say, for
They've taken her voice.
Her eyes are full of longing
To speak her thoughts.
But with dirty looks, they keep her silenced.
Her mind is full of magnificent wonders,
She knows more than they think.
But she cannot say a thing about it.
With a malicious glare she is muted.
The newborn words fall away from her tongue
And are buried back in her throat.
She holds a funeral for the words and thoughts
That never had a chance at life
Because of the disapproval they are sure to earn.
On the inside, her smile is bright,
Though on the outside she is expressionless.
It has become merely routine.
Her fear of what they will say
Is the only thing keeping her quiet.
Their opinions mean everything.
She knows that they shouldn't matter.
She knows only her thoughts of herself counts.
All the same, she keeps her mouth shut.
For the sake of keeping the peace,
She keeps her opinions to herself.
But she is about to break.
This girl is about to break,
And she has a lot to say.
So watch out.