4th of JULY
Before the fourth of July. I never knew pain so severe. Expecting a few firework shows with enjoyable sound. The bright vivid colors seem to amaze us all and make the little kids go wild. Instead i ended up with the opposite. Surrounded by waterworks struggling not to shed a tear. Pops here so I'm not the man of the house but i still have to stay calm for my panicking fam. Moms trying to hold her composer but she doesn't know what to do . Besides trying her best not lose you . Now the sirens approach as EMS swarms the room pops already tearing up so i know its bad news. But my eyes want let me cry. Even though i know tonights going to have us all singing the blues. Prepared for the worse we rushed to the hospital. I'm the last to arrive . Love ones already in the waiting area looking helpless. Full of blank assumptions and questions. At that point i became the middle man with the answers for their questions and reasonable solutions. An hour or two later a picture message comes through of you my first baby sister saying "she didn't make it" at that point everything around me stopped the air got thicker and then it hit me . My calmness became a stressful release of tears. My heart was torn as if it was driven over and over and over again with knives, swords, and multiple spears. But some how you manage to keep your heart beating until i saw you. As i looked at a soon to be angle my hands shook like mini earthquakes anxious to hold her but i can't protect you as a big brother should so withdrew them in fear of letting you down. And although i watched you take your last breath I happily thanked God for giving me a proper farewell.
Rip: Zoey Ocean Brown