2016 Heartbreak
I try to stay positive
but lately that just means gettin’ lit.
What's easier rolling one
or facing my problems?
I'll tell you right now,
happiness is halfway through the bottle.
As the bottle gets clear,
my life gets blurry
My problems disappear,
and I'm in no hurry.
I'm just passing time,
sipping wine that's too fine for a Monday.
But what can I say
when every day is the same;
so damn mundane.
I rack my brain
to throw out my memories of you.
It's all that I can do
To try and forget about you.
And what you used to do
to me
with me
in bed.
It's all in my head,
all my regrets,
kissing your neck,
feeling upset.
You got me in a wreck.
You got me.
You got me.
And then you lost me.
I was so confused.
I felt so damn used;
a feeling I wasn't used to.
So I
didn't know what to do.
Texting you all angry and shit,
feeling so helpless,
sending angry messages.
I can't handle this.
And what's so messed up with this
is that I think I still want you.
I still dream
about all the things
we used to do.
I got so used to you.
And now it's just me and no you.
And I guess it's just how it'll be.
I'm done wondering
and done hurting.
It's a sad thing.
It's a life thing.
I try to stay positive
and lately that means gettin’ lit.
What's easier than facing it
is rolling one.
I don't face my problems.
I face bottles.
I pop pills.
I'm faded.
I'm fading.
I'm losing
sight of it.
My future is so dark.
I lost my spark.
I left in the Park
on your lips
when we kissed.
Do you remember it?
I highly doubt it.
In fact, I know you don't.
It sucks when something can matter to me
and at the same time escape your memory.
Like I am Casper,
a ghost to you.
You ghosted me.
My life is a disaster.
I try to stay positive
but lately that means gettin’ lit.
What's easier than facing it
is curling up,
is giving up.
I don't face my problems.
I go to bed instead.
This is the end.
Ignore what I said.
Keep doing you
and I'll keep trying to do me,
Rewrite my tragedy.
Live my life no you all me.