17 Years of Life
The morning sun shining brightly over the orange grove
The sun warming the plants and animals, signaling the start of yet another day
Dust coming up in clouds as the tractor meanders through the trees
Sounds of air traffic cutting the morning stillness
Birds swoop through the yard, sun glistening over their black feathers like polished leather
For one family, it isn't just an ordinary day
Why must this day be filled with so much sadness
When everything around it is beautiful with the fruit of life
Living, thriving, breathing animals
And yet it's one animal's time to leave
An old cat, weary with her own weight
Barely able to stand and walk without faltering steps
It's her time to pass, no matter how much we try to deny it
Keeping her with us only worsens her suffering
It's painful to see how fragile and lifeless she is
When her friskiness seems just barely gone
Gone are her days of taunting the dog and frisking about
The house is quiet, with only the sounds of the dogs and typing breaking the silence
In the den the silence is for the need to work
But in the young teenager's room, the silence comes from a lack of everything
Happiness, sorrow, remorse, mourning, anger, pain
All these are mixed in a tight little ball inside this teenager
She doesn't know what to feel
Doesn't know if she even should feel right now
She's so confused with why she doesn't feel
She has no time to feel anything else
Feelings are almost meaningless to her now
From an onlooker's point of view, she might look sad
But from her side she's feeling lost, remorse, angry
She knows that when the time comes her feelings will come rushing out all at once,
Like flood gates allowed to swing wide
But for the moment she's left with nothing
Well, at least nothing she can understand