We Have A Dream
In the midst of disaster
We find black lives matter
Since none of the distractions
Can distract us
From society cancer
With the T.V screen blaring
Another black kid’s happy never after
We oftentimes wonder
When we will ever matter
In a world filled with privilege
I’m asking what’s the difference
Between me and you
If I’m made in God’s self-image
Because of my pigment
I have to fight for my existence
Just to get a fair shake
At the table that I’m sitting
And it shouldn’t be like this
It really shouldn’t
I shouldn’t have to fight
Just to be considered human
I’m only seventeen
But I’m really with this movement
Cause I have a dream
That we could really do this
I have a dream where we could live free
Independently from these cop-killing machines
That kills my people like lumberjack do trees
With a gun, they spray as if it were Febreze
I have a dream
That one day we can stand united
Become that one nation that others looks up too for guidance
Not the one that sits here in abrupts silence
But the one that stands here to end all the violence
For I have a dream
That we can be the greatest
There’s a lot of bad blood between us
Let’s just say it
But just because we had a rocky past
Doesn’t mean we can’t change it
It just means its going take a lot for us to make it
I have a dream
Where one day we’ll be like brothers
Instead of hunting each other
We’ll look out for one another
Become thick as thieves
And ride or die for each other
I have a dream
A large dream
That I have conceived
Just because it’s large
Doesn’t mean it’s out our reach
It just means it going to take a lot for us to achieve
To live in this grand world made of peace
When we finally reach our dream