The Fullness of Life
The fullness of life
A full life is excitement.
Waking up filled with joy for the day
Meditation. Sunrise. The smell of coffee. Words.
The calm before the storm
A full life is gratitude.
Thankful for my breath, that I can focus on instead of anxiety.
Thankful for my heart, that I am alive to experience “the powerful play of life and contribute a verse.” May I never let a moment pass me by without finding the joy in it.
Thankful for the souls around me. May I love them as well as they love me.
Thankful for even the frustrating moments. May I find wisdom to see the opportunity for growth in them.
A full life is choosing to live with an open heart instead of a closed one.
The choice to love is always alongside the choice to ignore.
A full life is acknowledging hurt. Not hiding from pain but confronting it.
Even pain has value.
A full life is breathing in the icy fresh air of the Sierra Nevadas.
A full life is swimming in Maui’s warm sweet oceans.
A full life is savoring every moment with those I love.
A full life is making the choice to join the actors on the stage of life; not letting the fear of rejection keep me from truly living.
May I never forget to live.