Everyone Goes Through This Phase I'll be Fine
Do the French VHL Math HW #37 read p 209-213 p214 #1,5,17,20,27,30 Physics WS AP Chem
Lab due tmr START the essay SSR due Dec 13 Test on Monday make study guide
Study for SAT mom said to do well so I have to do well to make her happ
y maybe you should make time for family why do you always come ho
me late why do you always have practice all the time shouldn’t you b
e focusing on your studies cheer is useless why waste your time wh
en you are losing sleep losing friends losing time when you coul
d have just joined something more reasonable and academic li
ke debate and now that you wasted all your time with your
family your grandfather is GONE and you CRIED
family.calculate the work done on an objec
t that travels 5cm when a force of 20
N is appliPV=nRT ideal gas low p
high t im oK[ineedabreak]leT m
e study in peace thank you so
you got a **** on the SAT
I see you need to
Op[my eyes]en
Your eyes[are]