Lost At Sea; Found On Land
Lost At Sea; Found On Land
Time has passed
And my mind with it,
Like the wind on a lazy
Sunday afternoon.
Floating in the vastness
Of endless possibility,
Lacking a magnetic needle
To point me home.
Only fear remained,
While inwards...
The fear had roosted.
Dreams dared not manifest
In the space between my ears,
For they too, tremble
At my heart's absence.
Wandering wistfully,
Curving within the current,
The motions grew montomous
And my life a dull, aching bore.
Clawing through the fog
Densely gathered within my skull,
I looked across the ocean
In the hopes of hope alone.
Traveling on the salty sea breeze
And over glinting blue waves,
My broken, crippled being
Had finally caught up with my gaze.
The rocky West coast
Of proud Ireland...
It was there I found
My lost heart again.
Under overcast skies
And sipping steaming tea,
I allowed myselft to breathe
And just, simply, be.
In quiet, sweet Shannon
The true healing commenced;
Where the roses smell like sunshine
And where I felt I could sincerely progress.
I saw living, vibrant life in Dublin,
Where joy flowed like local beer.
It was there, in that city, where
My sadden soul felt pure cheer.
With a reinvigorated soul
And renewed state of mind,
I'm now left to wonder
What other paths I can find.
No amount of words
Will ever be able to convey
Just how much that land changed me,
Shaped me into who I am today.
So each morning, I turn my head East,
Wishing I could thank the land
That returned my spirt to me
And pushed my horizons to expand.