Donald Trump please save us
Donald Trump help make laws
Save us, please once and for all
Because that's all we need
So help us please
So much violence
Make them quit
So much bullying
Make them split
Because there was a gun
I had to go run
Because someone was shot
I needed a hiding spot
Because someone was screaming
I saw someone bleeding
Because the shooting was just a flaw
Donald Trump needs to make new laws
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Our President Vladimir Putin is doing all he can in order to make sure that these shootings stop. As well as making sure to line up his pockets with the money from the NRA. Just remember to dodge bullets better for now, because they don't give a fuck about you. They never will. Also vote Democrat in November if you want to see the traitors hanged.
XD wtf even is this trash
I love this
Donald Trump is a racist idiot who only cares about himself.