Cinderella: The True Story
Happily ever after
That's not true
Wanna hear the real story
Let me tell you
I was just a little girl
When everything changed
My dad met this lady
I thought she was deranged
Her daughters were messy
They forced me to clean
I soon then found out
Why they were mean
They wanted my money
My dad wouldn't cave
Then they killed him
They dug up his grave
Then step mother was evil
That's what you heard
She wasn't to bad
Just kinda mistirred
The night of the ball
She let me go
My dress was hideous
I decided to stay home
The fairy godmother came
Bippity boppity boo
I went to the ball
I was such a view
The prince fell in love
He whisked me away
He was so charming
We got married the next day
We invited my step mother
Her bratty daughters too
They were so happy
I didn't have a clue
I was next in there game of death
The prince saved my life
He took my place
For I was his wife
That's the real story
So sad but true
Everyone I loved is gone
What now do I do