Why: for what reason or purpose
Insecurity (“”)
Why aren’t you happier to see me
Why don’t you look nicer when we go out
Why do you always have to be so smart. . . or clueless. . . or dumb
Freedom (?)
Why are you doing this
Why don’t we try to work this out
Why don’t you love me. . . or die. . . or answer my calls
Insight (!)
Why did I put up with that for so long
Why don’t I chase my dreams now
Why would I settle for anything less. . . or unhappiness. . . or something broken
Happiness (.)
Why did I not see you standing there the whole time
Why has a kiss never tasted so sweet
Why don’t we move in together. . . or get a cat. . . or call this home
Education (;)
Why did I wait so long to do this
Why don’t I read one more chapter
Why can I not wait to master this. . . or to grasp more. . . or to make this a career
Foresight (. . .)
Why don’t I _______
Why wouldn’t we ________
Why not ______. . . or _______. . . or ______